How to Build a Mobile Swiping Component in React


Mobile swiping is a common gesture that allows users to interact with content in a fluid and intuitive way. You can use mobile swiping to create features such as carousels, sliders, or cards that can be swiped left or right to reveal more information or actions.

In this blog post, I will show you how to build a mobile swiping component in React using the react-swipeable library. This library provides a custom hook that enables you to handle swipe events and gestures in your React components. You will learn how to:

  • Install and use the react-swipeable library
  • Create a simple swiping component with React
  • Add custom logic and styles to the swiping component

Install and use the react-swipeable library

The react-swipeable library is a lightweight and easy-to-use library that allows you to add swipe functionality to your React components. You can install the library using npm or yarn:

npm install --save react-swipeable

To use the library, you need to import the useSwipeable hook from the library and pass it an object with your swipe handlers. The hook returns an object with the handlers property, which you can spread onto the element that you want to make swipeable. For example:

import { useSwipeable } from 'react-swipeable';

function App() {
  // Define the swipe handlers
  const handlers = useSwipeable({
    onSwipedLeft: () => console.log('Swiped left!'),
    onSwipedRight: () => console.log('Swiped right!'),
    onSwipedUp: () => console.log('Swiped up!'),
    onSwipedDown: () => console.log('Swiped down!'),

  // Return a swipeable element
  return <div {...handlers}>You can swipe here</div>;

The useSwipeable hook accepts an object with the following properties:

  • onSwiped: A function that is called when a swipe is completed in any direction. It receives an event object with the swipe data, such as the direction, distance, velocity, etc.
  • onSwipedLeftonSwipedRightonSwipedUponSwipedDown: Functions that are called when a swipe is completed in a specific direction. They receive the same event object as onSwiped.
  • onSwiping: A function that is called when a swipe is in progress in any direction. It receives the same event object as onSwiped.
  • onSwipingLeftonSwipingRightonSwipingUponSwipingDown: Functions that are called when a swipe is in progress in a specific direction. They receive the same event object as onSwiped.
  • delta: A number that defines the minimum distance in pixels that the user must swipe before the swipe is recognized. The default value is 10.
  • preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: A boolean that determines whether to prevent the default touchmove event when swiping. The default value is false.
  • trackMouse: A boolean that determines whether to track mouse events as well as touch events. The default value is false.
  • trackTouch: A boolean that determines whether to track touch events. The default value is true.
  • rotationAngle: A number that defines the rotation angle in degrees of the element that is swipeable. The default value is 0.

Create a simple swiping component with React

To create a simple swiping component with React, you can use the useState and useEffect hooks to manage the state and the side effects of the component. You can also use the useSwipeable hook to handle the swipe events and gestures.

For example, suppose you want to create a component that displays a list of items that can be swiped left or right to reveal some actions. You can use the following code to create the component:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSwipeable } from 'react-swipeable';

function SwipeList({ items }) {
  // Define the initial state
  const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0);
  const [swipeDir, setSwipeDir] = useState(null);

  // Define the swipe handlers
  const handlers = useSwipeable({
    onSwipedLeft: () => setSwipeDir('left'),
    onSwipedRight: () => setSwipeDir('right'),
    preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
    trackMouse: true,

  // Define the effect to update the active index based on the swipe direction
  useEffect(() => {
    if (swipeDir === 'left') {
      setActiveIndex((prevIndex) =>
        prevIndex < items.length - 1 ? prevIndex + 1 : prevIndex
    } else if (swipeDir === 'right') {
      setActiveIndex((prevIndex) => (prevIndex > 0 ? prevIndex - 1 : prevIndex));
    // Reset the swipe direction after updating the index
  }, [swipeDir, items.length]);

  // Return the swipeable list
  return (
    <div className="swipe-list" {...handlers}>
      {, index) => (
          className={`swipe-item ${index === activeIndex ? 'active' : ''}`}
          <div className="swipe-content">{item.content}</div>
          <div className="swipe-actions">
            <button className="swipe-action swipe-action-left">
            <button className="swipe-action swipe-action-right">

This code does the following:

  • It defines a SwipeList component that receives an array of items as a prop. Each item is an object that has the following properties: contentactionLeft, and actionRight.
  • It defines the initial state using the useState hook. The state consists of two variables: activeIndex, which is the index of the currently active item, and swipeDir, which is the direction of the last swipe.
  • It defines the swipe handlers using the useSwipeable hook. It sets the preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent and trackMouse options to true, to prevent scrolling and enable mouse events. It also sets the swipeDir state variable to left or right when a swipe is completed in either direction.
  • It defines the effect using the useEffect hook. The effect runs whenever the swipeDir or the items.length changes. It updates the activeIndex state variable based on the swipeDir value, using the setActiveIndex function. It also resets the swipeDir value to null after updating the index.
  • It returns the swipeable list using the handlers object from the useSwipeable hook. It maps over the items array and renders a swipe-item element for each item. It also adds a swipe-content element that displays the item’s content, and a swipe-actions element that displays the item’s actions. It also adds a active class to the swipe-item element that matches the activeIndex value.

Add custom logic and styles to the swiping component

To add custom logic and styles to the swiping component, you can use the onSwiping and onSwiped handlers from the useSwipeable hook to access the swipe data and manipulate the component’s appearance and behavior. You can also use CSS transitions and transforms to create smooth and realistic animations for the swiping component.

For example, suppose you want to add the following features to the swiping component:

  • Show the left or right action button when the user swipes the item in either direction, and hide the button when the user releases the item.
  • Apply a rotation and a scale effect to the item when the user swipes the item, and reset the effect when the user releases the item.
  • Trigger the left or right action function when the user swipes the item beyond a certain threshold, and reset the item’s position and appearance.

You can use the following code to add these features to the component:

// Import React and the useSwipeable hook
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
import { useSwipeable } from 'react-swipeable';

// Define the SwipeList component
function SwipeList({ items }) {
  // Define the initial state
  const [activeIndex, setActiveIndex] = useState(0);
  const [swipeDir, setSwipeDir] = useState(null);
  const [swipePos, setSwipePos] = useState(0);
  const [swipeStyle, setSwipeStyle] = useState({});

  // Define the swipe handlers
  const handlers = useSwipeable({
    // Set the swipe direction state when a swipe is completed
    onSwipedLeft: () => setSwipeDir('left'),
    onSwipedRight: () => setSwipeDir('right'),
    // Update the swipe position and style state when a swipe is in progress
    onSwiping: (eventData) => {
      // Get the swipe distance and direction
      const { dir, deltaX } = eventData;
      // Set the swipe position state
      // Set the swipe style state
        // Apply a rotation and a scale effect based on the swipe direction and distance
        transform: `rotate(${deltaX / 10}deg) scale(${1 - Math.abs(deltaX) / 1000})`,
    // Prevent the default touchmove event and enable mouse events
    preventDefaultTouchmoveEvent: true,
    trackMouse: true,

  // Define the effect to update the active index based on the swipe direction
  useEffect(() => {
    // Check the swipe direction
    if (swipeDir === 'left') {
      // Increment the active index if it is not the last item
      setActiveIndex((prevIndex) =>
        prevIndex < items.length - 1 ? prevIndex + 1 : prevIndex
    } else if (swipeDir === 'right') {
      // Decrement the active index if it is not the first item
      setActiveIndex((prevIndex) => (prevIndex > 0 ? prevIndex - 1 : prevIndex));
    // Reset the swipe direction after updating the index
  }, [swipeDir, items.length]);

  // Define the effect to trigger the action function based on the swipe position
  useEffect(() => {
    // Define the threshold for triggering the action
    const threshold = 300;
    // Get the current item and its action functions
    const item = items[activeIndex];
    const { actionLeft, actionRight } = item;
    // Check if the swipe position exceeds the threshold
    if (swipePos < -threshold && actionLeft) {
      // Trigger the left action function
      // Reset the swipe position and style
    } else if (swipePos > threshold && actionRight) {
      // Trigger the right action function
      // Reset the swipe position and style
  }, [swipePos, items, activeIndex]);

  // Return the swipeable list
  return (
    <div className="swipe-list" {...handlers}>
      {, index) => (
          className={`swipe-item ${index === activeIndex ? 'active' : ''}`}
          style={index === activeIndex ? swipeStyle : {}}
          <div className="swipe-content">{item.content}</div>
          <div className="swipe-actions">
            <button className="swipe-action swipe-action-left">
            <button className="swipe-action swipe-action-right">

This code does the following:

  • It styles the swipe-list element to fill the entire screen and hide the overflow.
  • It styles the swipe-item element to have a fixed width and height, and center it horizontally and vertically. It also adds a transition effect to the transform property, which creates a smooth animation for the swipe.
  • It styles the swipe-content element to have a white background and a black border, and show some text and an image.
  • It styles the swipe-actions element to have a transparent background and a white text, and position it on the left and right edges of the swipe content.
  • It styles the swipe-action elements to have a fixed width and height, and remove the default border and outline.


In this blog post, I have shown you how to build a mobile swiping component in React using the react-swipeable library. You have learned how to:

  • Install and use the react-swipeable library
  • Create a simple swiping component with React
  • Add custom logic and styles to the swiping component

Mobile swiping is a great way to create interactive and engaging web applications. With the react-swipeable library, you can easily add swipe functionality to your React components and customize them to suit your needs.

I hope this blog post has helped you to understand how to build a mobile swiping component in React. If you want to learn more about the react-swipeable library, you can check out the following resources:

Happy swiping! 😊

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