code geeks

Lambda Functions in Python – How to Use Lambdas with Map, Filter, and Reduce

Lambda functions, also known as anonymous functions, are a powerful feature in Python that allow you to define small, one-line functions on the fly without needing to formally define a function using the def keyword. They are particularly useful when you need a simple function for a short period of time or in situations where a regular function definition would be cumbersome. In this blog post, we will explore lambda functions in Python, how to use them effectively with built-in functions like map, filter, and reduce, and delve into practical examples to solidify your understanding.

How to Create Notice Blocks in Markdown

Markdown is a lightweight markup language with plain-text formatting syntax. It’s designed to be easy to read and write, and it’s widely used for writing documentation, README files, and more. One of the features that can enhance the readability of your Markdown documents is the ability to create notice blocks. These blocks can highlight important information, warnings, or notes to the reader.

How to Deploy a Next.js App Using and Tigris

Next.js, the React framework known for its server-side rendering and static site generation capabilities, empowers developers to build blazing-fast and SEO-friendly web applications. But once you’ve crafted your masterpiece, it’s time to unleash it on the world. Here’s where and Tigris come in, offering a powerful and seamless deployment solution for your Next.js app.


How to Build an AI-enhanced Task App with React and Appwrite

In the digital age, task management applications are more than just to-do lists. They have evolved into intelligent assistants that help prioritize, organize, and even automate our daily routines. In this blog post, we will embark on a journey to build an AI-enhanced task application using React for the frontend and Appwrite for the backend. This application will not only allow users to create and manage tasks but will also include AI features to enhance user interaction and task handling.

How to Use HTML Forms – HTML Form Basics

In the world of web development, forms are the backbone of user interaction and data collection. HTML forms are essential for gathering inputs from users, whether it’s for logging in, registering for a service, providing feedback, or entering sensitive information. Understanding the basics of HTML forms is crucial for any web developer, as they are the primary method for collecting user data in a structured and secure manner.

How to Use Lists in Python – Explained with Example Code

Python is a popular and powerful programming language that can be used for various purposes, such as web development, data analysis, and machine learning. One of the features that makes Python so versatile and expressive is its data structures, which are built-in types that can store and manipulate collections of data. One of the most commonly used data structures in Python is lists, which are ordered and mutable sequences of values. In this blog post, I will explain how to use lists in Python, and how to perform various operations on them.

How TypeScript Interfaces Work – Explained with Examples

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static type checking and other features to the language. TypeScript helps developers to write more reliable and maintainable code, and catch errors and bugs before they cause problems at runtime. One of the key concepts in TypeScript is interfaces, which are used to describe the shape and structure of objects, functions, classes, and other types. In this blog post, I will explain how TypeScript interfaces work, and how you can use them to improve your code quality and readability.

How to Set Up Argo Workflows on Kubernetes

Argo Workflows is an open-source project that provides a declarative way to define and run complex workflows on Kubernetes. Argo Workflows allows you to orchestrate tasks that can run in parallel, in sequence, or in a DAG (directed acyclic graph) structure, and can integrate with various tools and services, such as Docker, Git, S3, Slack, etc. In this blog post, I will show you how to set up Argo Workflows on Kubernetes, and how to create and run a simple workflow.