Web Application Security

How to Implement Two-Factor Authentication with PyOTP and Google Authenticator in Your Flask App

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security method that requires users to provide two pieces of information to verify their identity and access an online service. The first factor is usually a password, and the second factor is usually a one-time code generated by an app or sent via SMS. 2FA adds an extra layer of protection against hackers and identity theft, as it makes it harder for someone to access your account without your permission.

How to Implement Two-Factor Authentication with PyOTP and Google Authenticator in Your Flask App Read More »


Secure Next.js Applications with Role-Based Authentication Using NextAuth

Next.js is a popular React framework for building full-stack web applications. It provides features such as routing, rendering, data fetching, and styling that make it easy to develop and deploy web apps. However, when it comes to authentication and authorization, Next.js does not have a built-in solution. This is where NextAuth.js comes in handy.

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